1: I finished my Robinson Cano wantlist that took me months to complete, even though I'm sure I missed a few cards. If you wanna check it out and see if you have any, click on this link and click on the sheet on the bottom of the page that says Robinson Cano wantlist. If you have any cards I need please feel free to contact me at yanks1996wsc@gmail.com. Gotta start working on the Swisher list soon!

2: I got my report card today! And yeah, it was better than my 92.5 GPA 1st quarter. I improved my overall average to a 94.25, just .75 points shy of Principal's List, and I gained 4 points in Math & Tech, my 2 weakest classes. I didn't earn much $ at first, but my parents were nice enough to change my pay for my grades because they know I've been working my butt off at school, and the past few weeks were really hard on me. I totaled around $115 and I was very happy with that. Unfortunately, that is now only $15, because of 2 big purchases I made today,
Big Purchase 1:

Yep, I got a box too. I know everyone is doing this, and I've been wanting to get a box of the new flagship like the past few years. I've always found loopholes to avoid doing this though, and I know the hits are really nothing special, I can care less about them here. I love the 2010 inserts and I'm possibly going to after the Tales of the Game, Turkey Red, and Legendary Lineage insert sets. If possible I'd also like to add When they Were Young and History of the Game to that list, don't know if I will or not. It depends on how all else goes. And yes, I am going to try to collate the 3 sets of Topps this year. I liked last year but I think this year may be even better. Can't wait until it arrives, I got it off Blowout Cards for $48.99 plus $7.00 shipping. Not bad!
Big Purchase 2:
Well, no pictures yet, because it's a surprise. But I did spend a good $40 on Check Out My Cards.com, including a bunch of nice inserts, a vintage card of a Yankee, an autograph of one of my favorite all time pitchers, an NFL Hall of Fame autograph, and a few current Yankee rookie cards! Yes, that is it. Not too bad, what do you think. Well, you'll have to wait and see what they are, hopefully that hint won't keep you up all night thinking about them, hahahaha.
See Ya!
Big Purchase 1:
Yep, I got a box too. I know everyone is doing this, and I've been wanting to get a box of the new flagship like the past few years. I've always found loopholes to avoid doing this though, and I know the hits are really nothing special, I can care less about them here. I love the 2010 inserts and I'm possibly going to after the Tales of the Game, Turkey Red, and Legendary Lineage insert sets. If possible I'd also like to add When they Were Young and History of the Game to that list, don't know if I will or not. It depends on how all else goes. And yes, I am going to try to collate the 3 sets of Topps this year. I liked last year but I think this year may be even better. Can't wait until it arrives, I got it off Blowout Cards for $48.99 plus $7.00 shipping. Not bad!
Big Purchase 2:
Well, no pictures yet, because it's a surprise. But I did spend a good $40 on Check Out My Cards.com, including a bunch of nice inserts, a vintage card of a Yankee, an autograph of one of my favorite all time pitchers, an NFL Hall of Fame autograph, and a few current Yankee rookie cards! Yes, that is it. Not too bad, what do you think. Well, you'll have to wait and see what they are, hopefully that hint won't keep you up all night thinking about them, hahahaha.
See Ya!
awesome purchases! Wish my parents gave me money for my school grades... Im no genius but I pass. and cant wait to see youre check out my cards purchase and the box break!
ReplyDeleteYeah, I'm really fortunate, we aren't rich but my parents always find a way to spoil me. They're the best.
ReplyDeleteforget about the cards... Conrats on the great grades! Be proud of that Drew. Keep busting your butt. You have no idea how much that will pay off later in life.
ReplyDeleteListen to the Captain, he aint joking. I'd be willing to work out an insert trade, your Yo Mamma cards for some of my inserts I pull. I have a jumbo box on it's way so I should have plenty to trade.