Monday, November 30, 2009

Today's Mail

Hey guys, Drew back here. I stayed home from school today because I caught the stomach bug at my school. Man, if there was a disease football I'd be the best wide receiver! Pretty sure that's 5 colds, swine flu, and a stomach bug since September. Anyway, at least I had some mail waiting for me, one package from Beckett and another from eBay that my mom almost got in trouble for forgetting to pay, ANYWAY, here's what I got, or at least some highlights:

Beckett Contest Giveaway Prize- My 2009 Yankees World Series Set!
Overall, a pretty cool set, but in a way, I'm a little disappointed. I love that Pettitte card, and the other playoff ones, but the rest of them are THE SAME EXACT CARDS FROM TOPPS' FIRST 3 SETS!!!!!! Not good. But, yeah, some of them are cool, and I got these in the set for my PC:

Now for the second dose of mailage.....

2008 Upper Deck Yankee Stadium Legacy Cano Relic
So far this is one of my favorite Cano cards I own, and I only got it for like 10 bucks! Not too shabby for a 2008 case hit. The design is nice and I'm very happy to add it to the collection!

Thanks Beckett for the prize, and see ya!

1 comment:

  1. Sweet Cano card dude. But that is pretty disappointing about the world series package having mostly base cards


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