2009 Topps Ticket To Stardom Baseball: Well, not as nice as expected, but it has its ups and downs. The autographed relics look fantastic as Mario said, and so do the base. Many people are hating on the product but I only only have 2 problems: 1) the World Baseball Classic cards of non current MLB players, like some random guys that will never play in the bigs. Maybe a Pedroia, Jeter, Tejada, Cano whatever jersey from it would be OK but random guys from Team Puerto Rico won't cut it. 2) The price. When it goes down I may consider buying a box, but $80 for 3 cheapish hits- not gonna happen. But the great things, the auto relics, the base, the tickets, the parallels, and more! Non-in my collection grade: B+

2009 Bowman Chrome Baseball: Well, it's definitely not my type. I like to know the players in my packs, although I opened a pack a while back of 2004 Bowman and pulled a Brian McCann, Hanley Ramirez, Dan Haren rookies, and more! So, it's a fun one for those prospecters, and although I'm not a prospect guy I think the product looks better in Chrome. Plus, the on card autographs are pretty nice! Non-In my collection grade: B

2009 Upper Deck Ballpark Collection Baseball: Again, not too shabby. Better than last year, but after watching a few boxes on Youtube I did notice the collation is horrible again. The quad relics, 6 ways, 8 swatches don't really go together. The design is nice, the Upper Deck Spokesmen cards are nice, and the player timelines are cool too. Overall, a ripoff for the price, but if it was lower I think it could be a fan favorite: Non-in My collection grade: B

2009 Upper Deck Goodwin Champions Baseball: See my review here Non-In my collection grade: C+

2009 Bowman Sterling Football: Some guys will love this set, some will hate it. From what I've seen so far, it is a complete waste of $219.99 dollars. Topps/Bowman needs to remember if they run high end products, that rookie jerseys are pieces of garbage. They aren't even used in games, they put them on at the Rookie Premiere! Practice jerseys would sound better, or maybe college jerseys, but at an Event. I dont think so! More autographs, less jerseys, and this would be nicer. The design is great by the way! Non-in my collection grade: D

2009 Absolute Memorabilia Football: Very nice design, but yet again, football companies shouldn't even consider the rookie photo shoot jerseys to be in $100 + boxes. If you know someone that actually likes these please let me know, because they are completely ridiculous. As for the other hits, this is a great product and is much better than Sterling. Be prepared to come close to getting your money back. Non-In my collection grade: B-

2009 Topps Chrome Football: Not too bad, really like the Topps design this year, and they did a good job with this set. Nice on-card autos is always a plus, and the refractors look fabulous. There isn't much to say about this set, but overall it is a nice cheap, fun break. Non-In my collection grade: A-
Thanks for reading, and be sure to chime in and share your opinions! See Ya!
Thanks for reading, and be sure to chime in and share your opinions! See Ya!
well said drew.