Hey guys, Drew back here. Yesterday I went to the card store, and with my Confirmation $ I bought a jumbo box of 2010 Topps Series 2. It was a good box, but you'll have to wait to see it. I also jammed my camera lens yesterday and it appears that it may need to be fixed. Anyway, today I've been cleaning my card temple in my basement, and for anyone that I may owe packages to, be prepared for something coming soon, I'm really sorry if I forgot any of you, I've had trouble getting trades finished because it's such a mess in my house so I apologize. With that out of the way now, check out this nice card I got off eBay:

I bought this card mainly because I've never seen it in my life and I didn't know how rare it is, plus my Cano collection was getting a little boring lately so I needed something nice to help get it back up. It's numbered out of 50 and the design is really nice, plus 2 pinstripes adds to the card too.

At the card shop yesterday, I picked this up. Pretty nice card eh? I like the seam in the jersey, it makes the card unique, plus I wanted something nice to go along with the box of Series 2.
Thanks for looking, and See Ya!
that Cano is pretty nice looking.