Saturday, October 3, 2009

TTM #3

Hey guys, sorry for the absence, Thursday was dodge ball night, and I slept over my friend's house last night. Today I got a lot of cards, some in a trade with Chris from Nachos Grande, some from the card shop believe it or not, and first, from Garret Anderson! Garret signed 1 out of 4 cards for me, the 1st guy to return the cards so far, come on Grandy and Neshek! Here is the picture of the card he signed for me:

He sent me the other 3 he didn't sign, so next year if he's still around I'll hit him up with the Allen & Ginter then. Too bad he didn't sign all 4, but he is a great player, and the picture on the card is nice. Thanks Garret! See Ya!

1 comment:

  1. Awesome.

    I wanted to do a TTM with Anderson, but it was to late in the season when I thought about it.


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