Hey guys, Drew back here! About a week or so ago, I received two TTM's back in my mailbox. However, since the players don't really have a whole lot in common, I decided to break it up into two short parts. Leading off, a pitcher who had one of the best first halves in all of baseball! Check it out:

Cubs Rangers pitcher Ryan Dempster signed one 2011 Topps 206 card for me, in a relatively quick 23 days! Everyone says good things about Dempster as a person on and off the field, and I can see why, as he's always been a fantastic signer and a pretty good pitcher as well! While his Rangers stint hasn't really been smooth sailing, on the season, he's 10-6 with a nice 2.87 ERA. I didn't want the Yankees to go after him at the deadline, but that doesn't mean I didn't like him. He didn't appear to be a great for New York, especially considering how long he's pitched for the Cubs. I didn't expect all that much at all with him moving to the American League, but he's proven me wrong as some of his Rangers starts have been well above average.
Thank you Mr. Dempster!
See Ya!
And he's a Canadian playing for the Rangers. Sorry he had to go. He's basically the last of my Cubs favorites from the Piniella era.